Vision of Service
My plan is to honor and serve the needs of the constituents of the 20th Legislative District of Arizona. My office will share our knowledge and experiences to help advance the state’s and national democratic ideals all while working collaboratively with all Members of the legislative body and their staff.
• Promote educational policy and practices that eliminate the significant disparity in academic outcomes between white and non-white students.
• Expand and encourage multilingual education and culturally responsive education. Require all students to take one or more ethnic studies core-credit classes to graduate, such as Mexican American social studies or African American literature.
• Promote K-12 curricula that include historical contributions of groups including Native people, Mexican/Hispanic Americans, African, African Americans, and Asian Americans.
• Teach and celebrate significant landmark events in our national history that advanced human rights and racial justice, such as Juneteenth (June 19th), women’s suffrage, and the 1965-1970 Delano grape strike.
• Remove from public properties images that celebrate the Confederacy and colonialism.
• Enforce the separation of church and state to ensure that religious symbols and ceremonies are prohibited on government properties and/or during government-sponsored activities.
• Institute financial reparations that counter discrimination’s lasting economic effects.
• Implement housing policies that:
a. end discrimination and unfair practices in the housing market;
b. combat gentrification that pushes long-time residents of color out of neighborhoods;
c. equalize access to credit and expand support for first-time homebuyers.
• Promote the right to organize and collectively bargain. Overturn states’ "right-to-work" laws.
• Create policies to close racial wealth gaps and end intergenerational poverty, such as seed- capital grants that enable economic security through asset ownership, and a publicly-funded childhood trust account for every child at birth.
• Enact criminal-justice reforms that end the higher rates of incarceration of people of color.
• Reinvent policing to end violence against people of color .
• Remove barriers and proactively include and promote the participation of those who are underrepresented in our party infrastructure, and in all levels of government.
“The most fulfilling aspect of this profession is to become a catalyst for the development of the human and intellectual capacities of the families and the individuals I serve.”
— Akanni Oyegbola
Akanni Oyegbola’s objective is to act as a servant leader with a strong voice above politics. There needs to be widespread agreement to make an impact and improve lives, which is why Oyegbola is committed to speaking for all sides. The legislative district 20 community needs someone who knows their everyday challenges first hand to advocate for them. On the journey to the legislature, he takes the knowledge and understanding of the resident’s experiences. The key when it comes to being a servant is to stick it out for both the wins and the tough battles.