The Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) supports refugees through transitional benefits and contracted community partners as they resettle in the United States. Knowing the challenges refugees face, RRP provides benefits and services to assist refugees as they adjust to life in the U.S. Local nonprofit Refugee Resettlement Agencies (RAs) welcome refugees when they arrive in the country, provide them with essential services during their first 30 to 90 days, and link them to programs like Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance, Employment Services, English Language Training and Case Management. These services respect the cultures and languages of refugees while helping them reach self-sufficiency as quickly as possible.

We Are ALL America

We Are All America (WAAA) is a Campaign led by refugee and immigrant grassroots organizations housed at the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), who work to uphold and strengthen our nation’s commitment to welcome and protect those seeking refuge in the United States. Our work is organized around three core pillars: Promoting inclusive state and local policies; Strengthening our federal protection systems; and, at our core, Opportunity for All, which centers the leadership of refugee & immigrant organizers.

The Opportunity for All (OFA) Table is the national leadership table that oversees and ensures the success of WAAA’s core pillars. Led by diverse refugees and immigrants, OFA is designed to ensure representation and inclusivity of those with lived experience, and to shift the narrative of refugees and immigrants to one that reflects their contributions and lived experience.

In order to show the resilience, strength, contributions, and innovation that refugees and immigrants bring, we must continue to build the infrastructure for refugee and immigrant power.

The Opportunity For All Table, we are pleased to announce that we will are accepting applications for the first Ethnic Based Community Organization (ECBO) pilot program. The $3,000 mini-grants will be awarded to 3 projects and is intended to support ECBOs that are involved in local refugee and immigrant advocacy and policy efforts. For more information, check out our application form.